【Quality Control】Ensuring product quality is our responsibility
Source: | Author:Richard | Published time: 2023-12-21 | 158 Views | Share:

At Phisinic, our commitment to producing customer-satisfying vacuum cleaners isn't just a commitment; it's a strict standard we uphold for ourselves. We deeply understand the importance customers place on product quality, and we take pride in meeting these expectations.

In our pursuit of perfection, we've embraced the transformative power of intelligent production inspections. This approach enables us to effectively handle the complexities of quality control, ensuring that every detail is meticulously documented.

Upon receiving inspection tasks, our QC team receives detailed task notifications regarding the products, including models, quantities, and specific requirements. This ensures that our QC team is well-prepared and understands the inspection tasks during the process.

During inspections, our QC team uses mobile devices to capture the production process. These visual records are promptly uploaded to our system, laying the foundation for subsequent analysis, improvement, and most importantly, transparency.

Upon identifying discrepancies, immediate action is taken. Our QC team collaborates closely with operators, providing guidance to ensure adherence to standard procedures. Detailed records are entered into the system, enabling us to track improvement progress in real-time.

After completing inspection tasks, our QC team submits detailed inspection reports. If customers have queries about product quality, our team can easily access production records. These details facilitate internal reviews and can be printed and shared with customers, offering comprehensive transparency into our commitment to quality.

At Phisinic, our commitment to quality goes beyond mere words.