【Product Development】From design to implementation: how we develop products
Source: | Author:Richard | Published time: 2023-04-22 | 502 Views | Share:


In this blog post, we will take you through our product development process, from the design stage all the way to the final implementation. We believe that understanding this process will be of great help for those looking to develop their own products or have an interest in product development.


Design stage


Every project needs a design stage as its starting point. In this stage, we work with our clients to identify product requirements and goals, and create a prototype of the product. Additionally, we conduct user research to determine if our product meets the expectations and needs of the target market.


When going through the design stage, the following steps are typically followed:


1. Requirements analysis


In the requirements analysis stage, we work with the client or end user to determine the goals and requirements of the product. This includes operating environment, functional requirements, user interaction interface, and more.


2. Concept design


Once the product goals and requirements have been identified, we can begin the concept design phase. As a design team, we should have a holistic understanding of every product design; covering all aspects centered on the product audience from business to technical depth.


3. Detailed design


After completing the concept design, the design team needs to detail the proposed design. This stage requires consideration of more details and interaction schemes. There are many cases where things are easy to crash and a lot of work is involved in organizing the norm. This is because the plan has been preliminary validated and confirmed with additional attention paid to how each detail affects the process, considering what problems may arise in different usage scenarios.



4. Prototype design


After detailed design is completed, the team can use specialized software to create a product prototype. The product prototype is a template that fully presents the designed interaction model, not only providing references for the development process but also providing dynamic interaction display and product performance experience.



5. Collaboration and testing


Design teams may use tools to collaborate when starting a new design each time.

Overall, from design to implementation is a process full of challenges and opportunities. In this process, we are committed to working with clients to deliver high-quality products and services.